The 25th Anniversary of Bubble Lounge!

Beginning in 1999, the Bubble Lounge is one of the longest-running theme camps at Burning Man. Produced for over twenty years by its founder Esquire Jauchem, the Bubble Lounge has always been a welcoming, inclusive place for all. And this year it celebrates its 25th Anniversary!

We are returning in 2024 with a core team of experienced burners. Together we have well over 50 years of combined experience building theme camps and art installations at Burning Man, LA Decom, and other regional events.

Bubble Lounge is a diverse camp, full of seasoned burners and ever-welcoming of burgins, all sorts of creative types, souls of all stripes, and international travelers.  We can’t wait to see you in the dust! 

A Place on the Playa

This year we are located at

8:00 & DELIGHT

After many years of being located in the Center Camp hub of Black Rock City we’ve branched out into the 7:30 sector for a second year, but this time with a much better location.

The Bubble Lounge burners consciously practice the 10 principles of Burning Man. Our experienced crew of burners is there to help. If you’re looking for a place to call home we still have spaces available! Update: Check for availability 


"When you love

people, they

change who

you are.”

- Larry Harvey


Bubbles - Libations - Creations - Shennaigans - Repeat

The Bubble Lounge offers a range of daytime and nighttime interactive features and activities.

Our enormously popular Silver Orbs Cubed sculpture has been a fixture on the playa and at Los Angeles Decom for many years. This inviting, reflective sculpture created by Esquire Jauchem is the perfect backdrop for your best Burning Man selfies and portraits.

Our irresistible bubble toys bring out the child in everyone. Come blow a bubble or two; your whimsical contribution to temporary art on the playa. The softer you blow… the bigger the bubble. Try it, you’ll like it.

Show us what YOU do! The BubLo hosts a variety of artists, entertainers, and instructors throughout the week. We invite you to share your artistic or experiential endeavors with us. Contact us if you’re interesting and interested.

Whether it’s making art, getting a body wash, taking a yoga class, or learning something new, you’ll walk out of the Bubble Lounge a little different and a bit happier than when you walked in.